Monday, September 30, 2019

Relationship Between Lactate Threshold Essay

Abstract Research into the relationship between physiological variables and running performance has been variable. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between 5k running performance and a number of physiological variables in a group of 11 trained club runners (Age 21.451.63yrs, Height 175.092.77cm, Weight 67.865.12kg). The athletes underwent a laboratory treadmill test to determine their maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and running velocities at lactate threshold (v-Tlac) and blood lactate concentration of 4mM (v-OBLA). Running performance was determined by a 5k time-trial on an athletics track for which the average time was 1097.09  ± 108.02 secs. The mean velocities for v-Tlac and v-OBLA were 15.18  ± 1.5km/h, 16.76  ± 1.60 km/h and mean VO2max was 59.10  ± 3.54 ml/kg/min. The best single predictors of 5k running performance were v-OBLA and VO2max (p = .003, p = .007) while v-Tlac was slightly poorer (p = .013). It is concluded that lactate variables may be valid an d reproducible predictors for 5km running performance. Introduction Research throughout history has established that a number of physiological variables relate to distance running performance, including Lactate Threshold (Tlac), OBLA and VO2 Max (Conley and Krahenbuhl, 1980; Costill, Thomason and Roberts, 1973; Coyle et al, 1983; Farrell et al, 1979; Hagberg and Coyle, 1983; Lafontaine, Londeree and Spath, 1982). The results from this research have been variable. Evidence has shown that blood lactate variables highly correlate with running performance over a variety of distances. Additionally, these variables contribute to running performance variance more than any other physiological variables (Yoshida et al, 1990, 1993). ‘Lactate Threshold’ describes the point at which exercise begins to hurt more than it should because the body’s lactate production exceeds the body’s ability to flush it away (Robergs & Roberts, 1997). It is the exercise intensity at which lactate threshold occurs that can be used as a significant predict or of endurance performance (Allen et al, 1985; Coyle et al, 1988; Farrell et al, 1979). It is considered a powerful tool for developing effective training regimes and as a method of monitoring adaptation to endurance performance, although to be effective at fulfilling these roles, the measurement of lactate threshold must be reliable. OBLA is the Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation. OBLA is accepted as an incremental method for detecting the lactate deflection point (Australian Sports Commission, 2000). Being able to detect this point is crucial as it is an indication of when an athlete switches from a predominantly aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, which leads to hastened fatigue. It is established that a level of ~ 2 – 4 millimoles per dm3 (litre) represents OBLA. Duggan and Tebbutt (1990) examined blood lactate concentrations of non-athletes during a treadmill protocol at 12 km/h. Results suggested vOBLA to be a reproducible performance predictor. In addition to Lactate variables, sports scientists measure VO2 max to objectively evaluate a subject’s functional aerobic capacity. VO2 max is the maximum volume of oxygen that can be utilised in one minute during maximal or exhaustive exercise (Bassett & Howley 2000). The majority of research using heterogeneous groups has found that VO2 Max correlates highly with running performance (Costill et al, 1973; Thomason and Roberts, 1973; Foster et al, 1978). However, when moderately homogeneous groups were tested, low-moderate correlations were found (Conley and Krahenbuhl, 1980; Morgan et al, 1989). Saltin and Astrand (1967) discovered that high VO2 Max values in subjects have been related to successful running performance, because traditionally the oxygen cost of running is directly proportional to running speed. Grant et al (1997) conducted a study involving treadmill protocols to assess all of the variables considered above and a time trial on an indoor 200m track to determine 3km-running performance. The main findings concluded that lactate variables were the best single predictors of v-3km. Further research and development of knowledge concerning the dominant physiological contributors that underlie short-distance running performance will enable greater specificity in training methods, allowing for improved competitive performance. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationships between Lactate Threshold, OBLA, VO2 Max and 5km Running Performance. Experimental Hypothesis It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching lactate threshold will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a significant relationship between the two variables. It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching OBLA will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a significant relationship between the two variables. It is to be hypothesised that participants with a greater Vo2 Max (oxygen capacity) will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a moderate relationship between the two variables. Null Hypothesis It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity at lactate threshold and 5k running performance. It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity at OBLA and 5k running performance. It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between VO2 Max and 5k running performance. Method Participants A total of 11 Trained Club Athletes, who have been free from injury for the past three months, were tested (Age 21.451.63yrs, Height 175.092.77cm, Weight 67.865.12kg). All participants were asked to complete a consent form. Research design The experiment involved 2 experimental trials; a lab based test to determine Tlac, OBLA and VO2 Max and a 5k running time-trial on the athletics track, completed in a counterbalanced order with 1 week separating each trial. Both trials were conducted on the same day and at the same time of day (10:00 – 11:00 am). Laboratory conditions were 21 0.3 (C) and track conditions were 20 0.2 (C). Procedures Screening: Participants were screened prior to exercise to ensure they had an appropriate health status for exercise. Screening included taking resting heart rate using a heart rate monitor (Polar, T31, Finland), and blood pressure using a blood pressure monitor (Omron, MX3 Plus, Netherlands); Resting heart rate >90bpm; systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg; and diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg. Participant Preparation: Prior to exercise participants were prepared and fitted with the necessary equipment. A heart rate monitor (Polar, T31, Finland) was fitted and a resting blood lactate measurement taken. Prior to blood sampling, hands were washed, gloves were worn and the area of sampling was cleansed with an alcohol wipe. A small insertion was made to the participant’s earlobe using a lancet. The first blood droplet was wiped away and blood was collected using a capillary tube. The blood was then mixed and analysed using a lactate analyser (Analox Analyser Micro-Stat, P-GM7, USA). The participant was then prepared for exercise. A nose clip, breathing pneumotach and mouthpiece (Hans Rudolf, USA) were equipped. The following equipment was then attached to an automated gas analyser (Medgraphics, CPX Cardio II, USA), allowing the measurement of oxygen uptake. Exercise Protocol: As all participants were catagorised as trained athletes, creating a homogeneous group, a warm-up speed intensity of 12km/h (Endurance Athletes) was selected, in relation to ‘The guidelines for establishing exercise intensity for the determination of TLAC during treadmill running in adults’ (Adapted from Jones and Doust in Eston And Reilly, 2001) (Appendix 1.2). Following a 5-minute warm-up on the treadmill (Woodway, ELG, Germany), the participants completed an incremental graded exercise test. Increments lasted 4 minutes, timed on a stopwatch (Fast Time, 1) and at the end of each increment the participant rested for a period of 1 minute, this allowed for the collection of a capillary blood sample. The speed was increased by 1kph per increment. Upon attaining a blood lactate value of 4 mmol.L-1, the test became incremental and continuous, continuing the 1kph increase in speed but now per 2 minutes with no resting period. The participant was ran to volitional exhaustion and then asked to complete a cool-down at a running intensity below the warm-up level. Participants lactate thresholds were determined by monitoring their 2mmol point; OBLA by monitoring their 4mmol point and VO2 Max was the participant’s maximal oxygen uptake from the protocol. Statistical analyses The dependant variables Heart Rate (HR), Rating Of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and Blood Lactate (BLa) were recorded at each of the workload intervals. Atmospheric pressure (mmHg) and air temperature (C) were recorded using a barometer and thermometer and remained constant throughout the experiment. SPSS was used to determine correlations between Velocity at Tlac (Kph), Velocity at OBLA (Kph), VO2 Max and 5k Running performance (seconds); Paired Sample T Test was used to determine the significance of relations between Mean 5k Velocity and Velocity at OBLA. Significance level was set at P ≠¤ 0.05. Results The research experiment of the 11 participants provided a number of important variable measurements of which can be analysed. Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of Physiological Variables. | Velocity at LT (km/h)| Velocity at OBLA (Km/h)| VO2 max (ml/kg/min) | 5k time (secs)| 5k time (mins)| 5k Running Velocity (km/h)| Mean| 15.18| 16.76| 59.10| 1097.09| 18.28| 16.55| Figure 1. The relationship between v-Tlac and 5k Running Performance. Table 1. Figure 1. Displays the Velocity at Lactate Threshold results for all 11 participants for the duration of the experiment. Participant’s averaged a Velocity of 15.18 1.5km/h upon reaching Lactate Threshold. There was a high, significant, negative correlation between Velocity at LT (mean  ± SD = 15.18  ± 1.5km/h) and 5k Running performance (mean  ± SD = 1097.09  ± 108.02sec) of the trained athletes: rho = -.664, N = 11, p = .013, (one-tailed). Figure 2. The relationship between v-OBLA and 5k Running Performance. Table 1. Figure 2. Displays the Velocity at OBLA results for all 11 participants for the duration of the experiment. Participant’s averaged a Velocity of 16.76 1.6km/h upon reaching OBLA. There was a very high, significant, negative correlation between Velocity at OBLA (mean  ± SD = 16.76  ± 1.60 km/h) and 5k Running Performance (mean  ± SD = 1097.09  ± 108.02 sec) of the trained athletes: rho = -.770, N = 11, p = .003, (one-tailed). Figure 3. The relationship between VO2 Max and 5k Running Performance. Table 1. Figure 3. Displays the VO2 Max results for all 11 participants for the duration of the experiment. Participant’s averaged a VO2 Max of 59.10 3.54ml/kg/min. There was a very high, significant, negative correlation between VO2max (mean  ± SD = 59.10  ± 3.54 ml/kg/min) and 5k Running Performance (mean  ± SD = 1097.09  ± 108.02sec) of the trained athletes: rho = -.712, N = 11, p = .007, (one-tailed). Figure 4. Relationship between Mean 5k Running Velocity and Velocity at OBLA. The dependent t-test showed that there were statistically no-significant differences between mean velocity (mean  ± SD = 16.55  ± 1.57 Nm) and velocity at OBLA (mean  ± SD = 16.76  ± 1.60 Nm); t = .692, df = 10, p = .511, (two-tailed). Discussion The main finding of the study was that v-OBLA was strongly related to 5k running performance. A simple correlation of v-OBLA and 5km running performance presented high significance (r= -.770; P < 0.01). The correlation between VO2max and 5km running performance in the present study was also highly significant (r= -.712; P < 0.01), succeeding the significance hypothesised and superseding the significance of v-Tlac (r= -.664; P < 0.05). These results agree with that of previous studies expressing high relationships between lactate variables and running performance (Allen et al, 1985; Farrell et al, 1979; Hagberg and Coyle, 1983; Kumagai et al, 1983), and closely relate to a fairly recent study performed by Yoshida et al, (1993), which conveyed simple correlation results of 0.77 and 0.78 between v-Tlac, v-OBLA and 3k running performance. Running velocities at Tlac and OBLA are subjective to a variety of factors, including muscle fibre type. Further research by Costill et al, (1976) discovered that elite endurance runners have a high proportion of Type I fibres, which have subsequently been linked to low blood lactate concentrations at given work rates (Tesch et al, 1978). The high relationship of lactate variables to 5km running performance suggests that success in distance running can be determined by performance at the highest possible running velocity that can be attained without the accumulation of blood lactate; when velocity exceeds this and lactate production rises, acidosis occurs as a result of glycolysis, which has been proven to cause decreases in force production, consequently affecting performance (Donald son and Hermansen, 1978; Fabiato and Fabiato, 1978). The correlation between VO2 Max and 5km running performance exceeded the significance found between the two variables in present studies (Hagberg and Coyle, 1983). Literature considering this topic area documents that endurance performance is habitually more highly correlated with lactate variables as appose to VO2 Max (Jacobs, 1986). Studies of well-trained athletes have evidenced that VO2 Max can remain relatively stable throughout the duration of a competitive season, despite athletes displaying changes in performance (Galy et al, 2003; Jones and Carter, 2000). This indicates that VO2 Max isn’t perceptive enough to determine transient improvements in performance, and shouldn’t be solely used as a predictor of endurance running performance. The dependent testing of mean 5km velocity and v-OBLA documented that there were no significant differences between the two (p = 0.511). This suggests participants were running at approximately the highest velocity that they could attain without the accumulation of blood lactate. The study of Usaj (2000) supports that when velocity exceeds v-OBLA, lactate fluctuations exceed steady conditions and athletes experience fatigue earlier. The variance figures between v-OBLA, v-Tlac and running performance (R2 = 59.3 per cent; R2 = 44.1 per cent) are considerably lower than previous studies, however these still suggest that blood lactate variables must contribute to running performance. Yoshida et al (1989) reported large portions on common variance between v-OBLA, v-Tlac and running performance (R2 = 88.6 per cent; R2 = 72.8 per cent). Study implications included the inefficiency of obtaining lactate measurements within the time allocation, possibly causing variable results, and an occasional equipment failure when obtaining heart rate measurements. In addition to the variables tested, previous studies have found a relationship between running economy and endurance performance (Ramsbottom et al, 1987; Grant et al, 1997). This may be an area to examine in future research. Conclusion The study concludes that in a heterogeneous group of 11 trained endurance athletes, blood lactate variables are the most highly valid and reproducible predictors for 5km running performance, strongly supported by previous research. Contrastingly, although VO2 max results were highly significant, they failed to correlate with previous research and it is to be suggested that VO2 max can only be considered as a moderate alternative predictor. References Australian Sports Commission. Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2000. Allen, W.K., Seals, D.R., Hurley, B.F., Ehsani, A.A., and Hagberg, J.M., (1985). Lactate threshold and distance running performance in young and older endurance athletes. J. Appl. Physiol. 58, 1281–1284. Bassett, D.R., & Howley, E.T., (2000). Limiting factors for maximum oxygen uptake and determinants of endurance performance. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 32, 70-84. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Overview Of Personal Development Plans And An Example Education Essay

Personal Development Plan ( PDP ) is a specific program for your hereafter in short-run of six months or 12 months. It is necessary that you have aims set up for yourself, and programs and actions to be taken in order to accomplish those aims. Following PDP is a good manner to better yourself, and to get accomplishments and cognition. Therefore, it is advisable to go on making PDP one after another.Definition of PDP:The PDP is a procedure by which we identify our instruction demands, set ourselves some aims in relation to these, undertake our educational activities and bring forth grounds that we have learned something utile. Amar Rughani. Personal Development Plan for Dentist: the new attack to go oning. ( pg. : 27 )Meaning of PDP:Plan should non be through of as being Good or BAD on the footing of larning demands that individual wants to turn to. Every individual has different strength and failings. The primary aims of PDP are program and take duty for their ain acquisition and to understand what and how they learn. PDP is based on the accomplishments of contemplation and planning which are built-in to cognize how we can larn in different contexts and to reassign that larning throughout life. To place failing and strength and willing to acknowledge that, better through acquisition and set all these things in action is personal development program.Importance of PDP:go a more effectual, independent and confident autonomous scholar ; understand the different contexts for acquisition ; understand how you are larning and how to turn out what you have learnt ; better your general accomplishments for survey and calling direction ; better your consciousness of the accomplishments you are developing through survey of the topic ( s ) ; joint your personal aims and measure advancement and accomplishment ; take a more holistic attack to acquisition and its direction in modular contexts ; and to understand the importance of being able to larn in new state of affairss and to reassign and Use your larning in different contexts.Advantages of PDP:PDP consequences in enhanced self-awareness of strengths and failings and waies for Change. The procedure helps scholars understand the value added through acquisition. Geting involved with PDP should assist us to: Identifying larning chances. What we truly want to make. Make the right faculty member and personal determinations. Set personal ends and marks. Identify programmes and activities chances and preparation to develop our accomplishments. We can measure our ain advancement. We can be better prepared for the demands of go oning patterned advance.MY Personal Development Plan:For my personal development program I am utilizing a SWOT analysis – a common job work outing method which summarises my strengths, failings, chances and menaces and after cognizing my strength and failing I am composing my program Action Planning will assist me to place and put marks. To inquire yourself a utile methodological analysis is Smart: Specific: e.g. ‘I will place and rehearse good clip direction techniques to make my undertaking deadline. Measurable: e.g. I will put myself a hebdomadal agenda of things to make. Accomplishable: e.g. I know there are workshops and books on clip direction and I will utilize these to place good pattern. Realistic: e.g. I know I have some free clip every Sunday forenoon and I will utilize this clip to work on my techniques Time-Bound: e.g. I will work towards the undertaking deadline, puting hebdomadal marks. So here ‘s my personal development program tabular array:My current province:My strengths: Communicate good with others. Positive thought. Hard working. Self-initiative. Punctual. My failings: Lose pique easy. Trust to others easy. Common feedbacks that I received from others. Emotional. Be really serious. What other public presentation indexs can I notice? Sometimes acquire overwhelmed with emphasis when there is heavy work load. Decision Focus on: Develop assurance. Control my pique. Do n't swear on people easy. Not acquire worked up so easy. These SWOT analyses are enabling to place where I am now in my current function. Following I need to turn this into a PDP. When puting marks, Is need to do certain that I can really accomplish them. This we call holding SMART marks.My Coveted province: ( Goals )What I have to make to improve/achieve. Talk with people and act confidently. Do n't acquire provoked. Willing to seek new thing and take some hazards. Able to act upon others. Able to be unagitated and assess any state of affairs before responding to it and take control of state of affairs. Able to press difficult my recommendations to be accepted by others when I feel it is truly good. Not be influenced by others. To look for positives in any fortunes. What does it give me?Short Term Goals.Average Term Goals.Long Term Goals.Why I do it? 1: with assurance, I can able to command more regard and others will be able to see my worth. I will make bold to seek new things. In fact my true ego will eventually reflect through. 2: attempt to command my pique, I will non ache my loved 1s and friends as before Attend choler direction category and do recommendations myself. Keep composure no affair what happens. Not lose my pique at all. Able to command assurance whenever I want.How do I acquire at that place? ( Resources )What must I better? 1: Use new techniques to develop assurance. 2: speculation to develop a composure head & A ; control pique. What are the possible resources to larn 1: Buy & A ; read books on develop personality. 2: read books on communicating. 3: local choler direction category.TimelineShort Term Goals. Within 2 months. Average Term Goals. Within 4 months. Long Term Goals. Within 6 months. Time direction:Definition & A ; Meaning:Time managementA is a set of rules, patterns, accomplishments, tools, and systems that work together to assist youA acquire more value out of your timeA with theA purpose of bettering the quality of your life. Time can really easy go through much quicker than we anticipate and if we waste clip, non needfully intentionally, we can stop up non accomplishing all that we should. We must organize our clip throughout our working twenty-four hours and place and societal life.A Manage your clip so that you get to bask a avocation or see the gym†¦ whatever you need to make to loosen up. If you can construction your yearss carefully and lodge to your guidelines wherever possible, there is no ground why you can non suit a batch more into your life than you did when you had no everyday or clip subject. if we do n't pull off our clip decently, our agenda will travel out the door. Imagine what it takes to be after something. What will go on if we set ends butA neverA step up to what is expected? Nothing but a broken dream. All the planning and construct up for success in that end will ne'er happen without appropriate clip management.AImportance of Time direction:It is true that when it comes to bettering oneself, we can ever originate. However, one time we do acquire started, clip will ever be of the kernel. If you aim for personality development, you need to be able to pull off clip efficaciously. You might inquire yourself, does your clip reflect what is of import to you, and does it reflect your values? When we feel our twenty-four hours has been productive, our self-esteem and attitude tend to be higher and our degree of defeat and emphasis is lower. There are ways we can increase productiveness straight, things that do n't hold to make with event control or self-esteem.A Further, A productiveness affects the clip we have to pass on event control. Good event control increases our sense of control over our clip and positively impacts our self-esteem. The importance of clip in personality development needs no farther account. The point of the affair is that if you spend excessively much clip making other things alternatively of maintaining an oculus on your end which is to develop a pleasing personality, your opportunities of success will be well lower than if you know how to prioritise. Time direction involves be aftering and forming. We should work to better event control, productiveness and self-pride. See reading extra stuffs or take a clip or undertaking direction workshop.Effective Deputation:Definition & A ; Meaning:A delegate is a individual who speaks or acts on behalf of an organisation ( e.g. , a authorities, a charity, an NGO, or a trade brotherhood ) at a meeting or conference between organisations of the same degree ( e.g. , trade negotiations or an environmental acme between authoritiess ; an arbitration over an industrial. Deputation can specify as: The assignment of duty and answerability for specific results or accomplishments to a specific person or administration unit. The deputation can be impermanent or lasting.Importance of Deputation:With PDP individual can make better as a delegator, he or she can take more efficaciously their squad. With effectual deputation we can do work easier and better efficiency. If I am working much longer hours it ‘s indispensable iA delegate more it will profit me. It enhancesA the Competence, ConfidenceA & A ; MotivationA of individual. A Successful deputation involves turning the right undertakings for the right grounds, with the resources and authorization to move. A It includes puting public presentation outlooks. Deputation is of import for the long-run success. The importance of deputation should non be underestimated Lack of deputation will take to you easy submerging in work – undertakings will go half finished or ill executed and you will stop up with a dissatisfied and demotivated squad who are shouting out to take on more duty. Review what tasks you are making and how long you spend at them. When a undertaking is scattered throughout the twenty-four hours or hebdomad or month, you may earnestly undervalue how much clip you spend at it.AStress direction:Definition:emphasis is a status or feeling experienced when a individual perceives that demands exceed the personal and societal resources the person is able to mobilise. ( Richard S Lazarus ) There are really many proven accomplishments that we can utilize to pull off emphasis. These help us to stay unagitated and effectual in high force per unit area state of affairss, and assist us avoid the jobs of long term stress.AImportance:deeper apprehension of emphasis, assisting you to develop your ain stress direction schemes for managing alone fortunes. When I started to pull off my clip to accomplish my ends its really nerve-racking for me because I could pull off all these things at one time it was really hard but I ne'er lose my enthusiasm I still tried to pull off my emphasis To pull off emphasis I am taking remainder and proper sleeping, moving confidently, commanding myself and seek to give good public presentation all things assisting to me to accomplish me ends.Problem resolution:To finish this component we will necessitate to finish some sort of clip log and happen out what jobs occurred and why. We so need to analyze how we deal with both external and internal breaks, what degree of concentration we have and how we cope, how we allocate clip to daily and hebdomadal undertakings and pull off our dairy. In job work outing first I need to specify where I faced job, in personal development program I had a job internal and external every bit good like work burden and command my pique and it ‘s really hard for anyone to command yourself because if I had lost my pique so others reacts really bad so I tried to work out it I evaluate these jobs and have got solutions. I read books I watched pictures that how it could go on how people can be really cool how they are work outing their jobs, on that manner I concentrate myself where my lacks and what my specific aims so to better myself and to work out my jobs I started to sit with people I started to discussed in group and seek to understand myself that what I need and where I need so I solved my jobs.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A letter from an exchange student in Australia Essay Example for Free

A letter from an exchange student in Australia Essay ? I’ve been in Australia for about 2 months now and I’m still speechless. It’s such a beautiful country! The land, the people, the climate, everything is amazing! I’ve gotten to experience the most remarkable/wonderful things, things I never could have imagined. As you know I went here as an exchange student and I’m living with a wonderful host family in Brisbane. They have been very welcoming and loving, the student exchange agency made such a good match. Brisbane is located in the east of Australia, in the state called Queensland. I’m attending the Brisbane State High School where I’m taking all the mandatory classes like English, math’s, science, social studies, art, health and physical education and so on. I’ve gotten to continue my French education as well, but everyone in that class is way better than me! Luckily they are all so nice and very patient with me, and that goes for all the classes! I had a hard time understanding the Australian accent at first, but it gets easier and easier every day. My host family taught me some Aussie-slang to help me out a bit, like â€Å"hoo roo† which means goodbye, â€Å"ripper† means something like fantastic or great, â€Å"sheila† is a girl and â€Å"dunny† is a toilet. A word that’s very confusing is â€Å"thongs†. It does not mean what you think it means! It’s another word for flip-flops, which can create quite an awkward situation. Fortunately I managed not to humiliate myself! Anyway, like I said are there mandatory classes just like there is in Sweden. Australia has a national curriculum to make sure that they have the same educational standards in schools all over the country, which resembles our â€Å"Skolverket†. You asked a lot about the schools over here in your last letter, so I’ve asked my new friends in my classes and found out some basic info. Like, something that’s similar to Swedish schools is that you’re in kindergarten or pre-school when you’re 3-5 years old. In Australia you go to Primary School between the ages 6 to 11, unlike Sweden where we go to â€Å"Là ¥gstadiet† and â€Å"Mellanstadiet† when we’re 6 to 12. One year doesn’t make that big of a difference, but Secondary School (High School) resembles both â€Å"Hà ¶gstadiet† and â€Å"Gymnasiet† together. So from what I understand, you can’t choose a specific program like in Sweden, but you can choose some classes you want to take (other than the mandatory ones) in High School. When you graduate from Secondary School you can apply for a University, just like in Sweden. As you can tell there are a lot of similarities to  Australian and Swedish schools, but I found out that there are many differences as well. School uniforms for example, we don’t have any rules about dress code in Sweden, but over here it’s a part of life, at least for the students who attend High School. Almost every school has a special uniform that every student has to wear, even I have to wear one when I go to school. Even in gym class we wear matching shorts and shirts. I think those outfits are better because they’re unisex, and the rest of the day the girls wear skirts while the boys wear pants. I’m not very comfortable in skirts and dresses so I think that if you want to wear pants you should be able to! It’s kind of nice not having to choose an outfit every morning, you only have one thing to wear and everybody else wears it too. There’s not any pressure about having the latest fashion or not changing it up every day. The only thing you have to worry about is bad hair-days! I have to admit that I wish we had to wear these in Sweden as well†¦ Not only are they a gift from heaven for the morning-tired person, they make you feel a bit more fancy and formal too. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that comfortable being formal all the time and I’d probably get sick of wearing it every day, but I like the idea a lot at the moment. I never think it would work, introducing this to Sweden though. Everyone would lose their right to express themselves through their clothes. If we would have to wear school uniforms, I strongly vote for pants for the girls! Most students bring their own lunch to school. There is a cafeteria, but you have to pay for everything there. That is something I miss about Sweden, even though it’s not great food all of the time it’s still really convenient. I’m having a hard time remembering to bring my lunch every day†¦ That makes me really angry with myself because both of my host parents make really good food, especially sandwiches. I promise you, they’re amazing! Public schools here are free and run by the government of state or territory they’re in, just like in Sweden. Parents are asked pay a voluntary contribution fee and they can also contribute to camping trips and extracurricular activities, but it’s all voluntary. Something that also differs from Sweden is the fact that they have 4 semesters. The school year starts in early February and ends in December. They have short holidays between every semester and their summer holiday is in December and January, during Christmas! I know it’s really strange, but that’s when the Australian summer is! I had no idea that the seasons were so  off over here, but I think it’s really amazing how the world works. Apparently all countries south of the equator have their summer during our winter, and their winter during our summer! A few weeks ago I got to be a part of the Australians celebration of ANZAC Day. ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. This day is special to Australians because of what happened on this date 1915. The First World War had just started and Australia wanted to create a reputation for themselves to the rest of the world, since they’d only been a nation for 13 years. They joined forces with New Zealand and set out to take control over the Dardanelles (a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey) so that their allies could travel through. When ANZAC landed on Gallipoli in Turkey they were met by Turkish defending forces. A lot of Australian soldiers lost their lives and today the Australians take this day to remember not only them and their bravery, but every soldier who has died in any war or military operation Australia’s been a part of. Each year the remembrance begins with memorial services in big cities all over the country, they’re known as the â€Å"Dawn Services†. Later in the day there are parades where ex-militaries march along. Aussies also celebrate this day off from work and school with drinking and games! They also have the Australia Day, their National Day. I’m not going to be here for that because it’s celebrated on January 26th, but I really wish I were! They celebrate everything that’s good about the country and being Australian, it sounds like a lot of fun! My host family tells me that you can see the Australian flag hanging from windows of cars and houses and that the whole neighborhood smells like barbeque. There are usually fireworks and music as well! It’s more upbeat than the ANZAC Day. We don’t have anything like this in Sweden, which I think is a bit sad. What I mean is, we don’t really have a day where we remember something or celebrate just being Swedish. I feel like we don’t have that kind of love for our country that the Australians do. At least I know I don’t. I only enjoy our National Day because I don’t have to go to school. I honestly don’t even know why we celebrate it, and if I asked my friends I’m sure they would say the same thing. It would be nice to feel that unity and pride that the Australians have. We’ve been in wars, I’m not sure how many or what kind, but we don’t take pride in them. We don’t have any war heroes we remember. During World War 1, Sweden was neutral. We didn’t officially pick a side; we did  everything we could to not get attacked by anyone. We let Germany use our railways to transport iron-stone, which kept us from getting involved in the war (even though that made us a part of Germany’s success). I think we’re right not to take any pride in that†¦ Something that also would be fun to experience here â€Å"Down Under† is Christmas. Since their summer is during December the climate is at its warmest during Christmas. My friends told me that even though it’s sunny and warm everyone still decorates with snowmen and Christmas lights! Most families have a Christmas tree too. Here in Brisbane they apparently have a competition every year for who has the best Christmas lights. I would love to see all of the extremely decorated houses! We should do something like that at home, we should engage more! In some ways our counties spend Christmas alike, but some prospects are still very different. In Sweden, we open presents, eat delicious food and get a visit from Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. In Australia they only make the last preparations on Christmas Eve, because it’s all about Christmas Day. Children hope to find presents in stockings or under the tree when they wake up, families go to see their relatives and everyone (most people anyway) spend the evening with their loved ones. Some families eat dinner that’s similar to Europe’s Christmas food, but most Australians barbeque or have a picnic on the beach or in the park. On the beach you can see surfing Santa Clauses too. It sounds really laid back and comfortable, so I would love to be able to experience it (even though it’s no real Christmas without snow!). It’s hard to think of Swedish traditions when you don’t usually acknowledge them, but most traditions come with the holidays. Almost all of our holidays have religious significance, like Easter and Christmas for example, but these holidays are not really about what they originally mark in history (if you’re Christian). Easter is more about dressing up as a witch and knocking on doors collecting candy, than remembering Jesus’s crucifixion. Christmas is all about Donald Duck and opening presents, we don’t celebrate Jesus being born. This is the case in Australia too, except for the witches and Donald Duck. In Australia they celebrate Easter by organizing Easter egg hunts (mostly for the purpose of making the children happy), and you’ve probably heard of the ‘Easter Bunny’? Well, over here they’ve exchanged it for an ‘Easter Bibly’. A bibly is a small rodent, who’s an endangered species and they’re hoping this kind of advertisement is going to help save  it. Besides, rabbits are considered pests in Australia as they destroy crops and other things. As you can tell there are a lot of both similarities and differences between Sweden and Australia, but they are both great counties! Unfortunately I only have a month left of my studies, but I am thinking about living here for a year or so when I graduate. I have fallen in love with this land†¦ Enough about me, how have you been? Is everything as usual back home? Hope to see you soon, Sources of information: Aussie slang: 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 About school: 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 2013-04-16 2013-04-16 2013-04-17 2013-04-17 2013-04-16 Traditions: 2013-04-21 2013-04-21 2013-04-21 2013-04-22 2013-04-22 A letter from an exchange student in Australia. (2016, Apr 29).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Finacial Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finacial Analysis - Research Paper Example Proctor and gamble operates in more than 100 countries and serves around 4 billion people tall over the world through their products of around 300 brands. It operates in segments of three business units, which are - beauty, health and wellbeing, and household segment. It also has global operations group that is divided into- global business service and market development organization. These help P & G to be able to remain ahead of competitors in terms of market share and also innovative products and services to the consumers. Proctor and G amble is the largest consumer goods company in the world based on the 2011 revenues. Closely behind it are Nestle and unilever respectively. Since demand for its products continue to increase, proctor and gamble has moved into several countries in terms of manufacturing and sales. P & G now has offices and factories in Europe, Asia, Middle East and even Africa. Products manufactured by proctor and gamble cover the overall market of consumer goods. Their three business units (beauty, wellbeing and household) have products like cosmetics, skin care, hair care, fabric care, baby and family care products. With the acquisition of Gillette, P & G introduced Duracell batteries, razors and electric razors to its already rich and diversified variety of products. Proctor and Gamble’s brands are (but not limited to) Pampers, Ariel, Always, and Crest. Other than manufacturing consumer goods, which is its core business, proctor and gamble also has in recent years sponsored television series like the young and the restless. It also became the first company to produce and to sponsor a prime TV show when it produced our private world, a soap opera. It is also a sponsor of the Olympics 2012 games and other sports events. VULNERABILITY Proctor and Gamble operates in more than 100 countries worldwide. Each of the countries that it operates in has its own economy which also affects the operations of P & G. in the current world, companies face extensive challenges and threats in the course of their operations and achievement of their organizational goals. P & G being a multinational company operating in many countries, it faces a lot of competition from other multinational companies like Johnson and Johnson, Sara Lee corporation, Unilever Plc and national companies that also operate and produce consumer goods in the country where proctor and gamble also operates in. Proctor and gamble leads the pack based on revenues and variety of consumer product considerably more after acquisition of Gillette. It is able to beat global competition through product innovation (improving efficiency, effectiveness and usability of its products). It also spends more in research and development of its products than their competitors do; this ensures that their products meet the needs, wants and expectations of their potential consumers. In terms of competition and business practices, proctor and gamble together with unilever plc were ac cused of running a price fixing cartel, and in April 2011, the European commission subsequently fined them. Proctor and Gamble is able to lead Consumer Goods Company by having strong brand names (Gillette, dolce and gabbana and bounty), increased dwelling on research and development of its products and it has strong distribution infrastructure as compared to its competitors. Most of proctor and gambles’ products are needed in the day-to-day life of consumers. We all need to use soaps, toothpaste and skin

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What an IT do for business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What an IT do for business - Research Paper Example Information technology is developing at a very great speed, particularly in the business world. Many firms are using the internet for various functions to enhance their production efficiency and augment their marketing strategies. However, key among these is the use of technology to increase the competitive advantage of firms. This paper analyzes how a company/business can use information technology to increase its competitive advantage. Introduction Internet has changed the structure of global markets and made it possible to hook up to other systems, people, and companies, without the restrictions of time and space. The dispersion of such a system is purposefully significant for economic development of every country. With the development and progression of the information and communication technology (ICT), competitive advantage plays a vital role in contemporary companies and businesses (Cicak, 2010). Information network comprises diverse types of software platforms and databases, which the companies use to increase effectiveness and augment their competitive advantage. These include venture-wide networks devised to administer all principal functions of the company provided for instance SAP, PeopleSoft, and JD Edwards among others. They also include more general-purpose database creations aimed at specific uses for instance the products provided by Oracle, Microsoft, and many others (Dewett & Jones, 2000). Ways in which information technology helps in generating competitive advantage The fundamental means for understanding the impact of information technology on companies is the value chain. This is the set of procedures harmonized to produce a certain product or service and offering it to the consumers. In almost all industries and companies, information networks carry out several separate but interrelated activities that affect the procedures like production, fabricating, advertising, selling or delivering products to customers. Modern industry is endeavori ng to reinforce relationships with clients, generate new revenue opportunities as well as lessen supply chain inadequacy. The directness of Internet networks ensures ultimate compatibility with other technologies and the volatility of internet-based information systems (Cicak, 2010). Because of advancements in information technology, buyers have easier access to information concerning products and providers, therefore boosting their bargaining power. In addition, internet networks tend to lessen variable costs and to generate considerably greater pressure for firms to engage in vicious price competition. Although internet affects the operational efficiency and strategic positioning in various ways, it also offers new opportunities for reinforcing or realizing strategic positioning (Cicak, 2010). Information efficiencies (INE) are the savings on cost and time that effect when Information Technology permits individual workers to carry out their present tasks at a higher stage, take on extra tasks, and enlarge their positions in the company because of progresses in the capability to collect and evaluate data. On the other hand, information synergies (INS) are the routine gains that outcome when Information Technology permits two or more persons or subunits to merge their resources, cooperate, and collaborate across function or subunit limitations (Dewett & Jones, 2000). Another way in which network technology helps to create competitive advantage is through differentiation. Information technology helps a company to differentiate itself through various aspects. These include pricing, product improvement, and shorter-time to market as well as customer service. Furthermore, information network can help a company offer customised products and services, therefore improving differentiation and competitive advantage. Supported by the Internet’s interactivity aspect, for instance registration form and E-mail, a company can easily gather customer information includ ing

Malware and how it affects the system and the Victim also how it get Essay

Malware and how it affects the system and the Victim also how it get into a Victim machine - Essay Example software as rogue security software, spyware, worms, adware, dialers, Trojan, computer virus and key loggers among others which normally appear in the form of active contents, codes as well as scripts (Klaus, 2013). However, it is worth noting that malwares are different from defective software in the regard that defective software may be legitimate software which would have had defective bugs before release and which were not corrected. Malwares get access into a personal computer system through a variety of ways, which include through an exchange of contaminated files, accessing contaminated online materials or even through legitimate download of corrupted software from the online stores. Attackers or the developers of these malware are known to attach the malware onto legitimate software online and as such, unsuspecting victims purchase the software only to have the harmful software get into their computer system. However, such malware as spyware spread through individual installation by visiting security holes or even though installation of corrupted programs from harmful websites. Ill intentions by hackers or malware developers lead to the design and programming of the harmful software in order to access sensitive information from organizations or even private system. These software programs are used to steal sensitive financial, personal or even business information, which is targeted by the hackers. Besides the use of malware to gather or ‘steal’ important information from corporate systems, the malicious software is used to disrupt the operations of computer systems and as a result bring about much suffering to organizations or corporate. The software has been used in many instances to target government operations, bank systems as well as corporate and private security systems for profit gains by the hackers (Reavis, 2012). The working of the different malicious software differs from one type to another. Worms and virus are known to target executable

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nursing Theorist Grid Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Theorist Grid - Assignment Example Pender ____________ Description of Theory: The Health Promotion Model (HPM) is an integration of nursing and behavioral science perspectives on biopsychosocial factors influencing health behaviors (Batchu, S.R., 2009, 13). It attempts to delineate the nature of person interacting with the interpersonal and environmental influences. The Health Promotion Model is a framework for predicting health behaviors and the underlying factors and relationships which increases the likelihood of health-promoting behavior leading to improved health and quality of life. Theory’s Historical background:The Health Promotion Model originates from the expectancy-value theory and the social cognitive theory (Adams, Bowden, Humphrey & McAdams, 2000, 29). The Health Promotion model was originally proposed in 1982 to understand why individuals engaged themselves in health-seeking behaviors. It was refined in 1996 to describe the interaction between individual characteristics and past experiences with behavior-specific cognitions and affect, and was published in the third edition of the Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (Batchu, 2009, 14). ... rson which includes: the ability of the person to create conditions in which they can express their health potential; the ability of the person to be self-aware to assess their own competencies; the positive growth of individual in achieving balance between change and stability; the direction of one’s behavior; the person’s interaction with the environment and role in transformation; the role of health care providers as important part of the environment; and the importance of self-initiated changes between person and environment in behavior change (Batchu, 2009, 14). Pender’s assumptions of person is related to nursing practice as nurses considers physical, spiritual, psychological, and sociocultural aspects in the provision of holistic care. Nurses engage clients to health promoting activities and involve the totality of the person as it is applied in health promotion and improvement of client’s welfare rather than focusing only on disease prevention and cure of diseases. The Health Promotion Model is typically used in the nursing practice and is geared towards the five specific strategy targets such as smoking cessation, nutrition, independence from alcohol and drugs, physical fitness and exercise, and stress management (Laird, 1993, 13). The Health Promotion Model by Pender has been proven useful to college health nurses as they will become equipped with the concepts of mind, body, and spirit relationship(Laird, 1993, 21). Nursing educators will be able to developed the students’ abilities to handle different case scenario involving different aspects of care. For instance, students can promote health among smokers by considering first the physical, spiritual, psychological, and sociocultural dimension of the individual during assessment. The influence of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human Rights and English law (LLB) Without security there can be no Essay

Human Rights and English law (LLB) Without security there can be no liberty Discuss, with particular reference to the legislative measures on terrorism since - Essay Example Today, terrorism has become almost part of our lives. People are simultaneously worried about security and individual freedom. Politicians are worried about both too. We can see the contrast between the Labour Party Manifesto and the aftermath: â€Å"Citizens should have statutory rights to enforce their human rights in the UK courts. We will by statute incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law to bring these rights home and allow our people access to them in their national courts. The incorporation of the European Convention will establish a floor, not a ceiling, for human rights. [emphasis added] : 1997 Labour Party’s General Election Manifesto. Erosion of Human Rights started with the fight against terrorism. There is also an added fear that erosion of human rights could be counter productive. People detained under harsh conditions, on the basis of secret accusations, which they could not refute, harassed or tortured could create a backlash in the society. But can the country risk its security in the name of freedom? If so, how far can it go without endangering itself? How much protection can security agencies offer without additional powers and how safe are these draconian powers? Which is more important, liberty or security of the nation? Since September 11th, 2001, Government passed many laws, even though there were toughest laws in place already. Crime and Disorder Act of 1998, Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, 1999, Regulation Investigatory power Act, 2000, Terrorism Act 2000, Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act, 2001, Criminal Justice and Police Act, 2001, Proceeds of Crime Act, 2002, Criminal Justice Act, 2003, Asylum and Immigration Act, 2004, and Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2005 are the various laws made for the security of citizens and properties of United Kingdom and there is no doubt that they infringe on the personal liberty of citizens. â€Å"We are particularly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Equity and Trusts - Essay Example Jeremy Fanshawe, being a the trustee of the estate of his late father with sole beneficiary as his son, Kelvin as well as trustee of a small family trust or â€Å"joint trust† where the beneficiaries are his ex-wife Lydia and their adopted daughter Miriam, has a sensitive role in not only ensuring that the trusts are managed effectively but also beneficiaries received their share. As trustee, he has the fiduciary duty to enforce the agreed contents of the contract he has signed with his late father as well as the small family trust or joint trust2. Under the UK law, he is required a duty of care which is Part 1 of the Act wherein as trustee, Jeremy is expected to be reasonable3: (b) if he acts as trustee in the course of a business or profession, to any special knowledge or experience that it is reasonable to expect of a person acting in the course of that kind of business or profession†4. This would require Jeremy to have prior knowledge and sufficient effort exerted to determine the viability of conducting the business about purchase of art works by the artist Farrah Foster as an investment. Whilst his first purchase, a painting, indeed increased value from  £13,000 to  £26,000, the manner of which this â€Å"investment† has been undertaken without clear purpose and process.  £20,000 worth of money was transferred from the joint trust account to his personal current account. Section 2 of the Schedule specifies that â€Å"when exercising any corresponding power, however conferred† 5 under Compounding Liabilities. On Part II Investment Section 4, it was required under Standard investment criteria, the trustee upon exercising power of investment, whether arising under this Part or otherwise, the trustee must have expertise to the standard investment criteria6. On the same manner, The Act also provides that: â€Å"Application of duty of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Servicing customers in Global market Essay Example for Free

Servicing customers in Global market Essay Servicing customers in Global market Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing communications are the channels used by businesses in the endeavor of persuading, informing and reminding clients about their brands that they sell. Firms can use different promotional tools to reach clients either directly or indirectly. Marketing communication can involve non-personal or personal communication channels. Marketing communication enables firms to acquire new clients for their products by encouraging trial and building awareness. It also enables them retain their clients by supporting their purchase activities by offering supplementary information regarding brand benefits. The rationale of this paper is to compare and contrast different tools of communication and how they use consumer behavior theory successfully to achieve their objectives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several items of communication such as website, TV advert, poster, direct mail brochure, billboard and magazine advert. I will focus on television advertising and web marketing. Website is very vital firms marketing policy. Websites help clients to find firms and advertisers brands from those firms. Marketing through website will enable firms to improve their customer care through e-commerce website. Website is a medium where many customers spend a lot of time especially due to technology advancement. Through websites, firms can reach national and international clients in a cost effective manner (Juon Buerkle, 2011). On the other hand, television advertising is another effective tool in a firm’s marketing strategy. Television is a medium where clients spend most considerate time. Report indicates that the average television viewing lasts for about five to six hours. This elaborates why it is used as a gigantic advertiseme nt instrument.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Television is a significant marketing tool because it offers the greatest possibility for creative advertising. Web advertising and television advertising has a lot of similarities in common, and they also share some differences. They are the marketing strategies that a firm can use to reach large audiences, low cost of advertising, and it is easy to reach a targeted audience through these two approaches. Website advertising is less expensive as compared to television advertisements. In addition, websites can be created with the aim of targeting a particular audience than TV commercials. The two items of marketing are effective, but the one that best fits a given firm will rely on their goals and target market. Firms can also use more than one items of marketing since they support each other. I chose these two items of marketing because they are a giant in advertising media and also giant in advertising costs as well. They have proven thei r capacity to control human activities over and over. Television advertising is mostly used in outbound marketing where firms direct marketing activities at the client. On the other hand, websites are used in inbound marketing where clients search for brands that can meet their needs (Carroll, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Firms place their marketing in websites so that clients can find out more regarding brands and services. Website advertising has more flexibility as compared to TV commercials. Television advertising has one objective of convincing clients to buy products, but websites can help firms to reach clients easily as they enjoy other entertaining and educational services. The crucial message to the advertisers willing to use website and television advertising is that they should choose the strategy that matches their goals and their target market. Both website and television advertising are crucial to the firms, and they can be used interchangeably. In other instances, either of the items can help and support other digital strategies used by a firm (Percy, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is very vital for firms to understand their customers’ psychology so that they can be able to come up with appropriate strategies that will help them realize their objectives. Consumer behavior is the conduct of clients in regard to using, disposing and acquiring services, experiences, ideas, and products. Consumer behavior also includes use and acquisition of information. Therefore, communication with clients and getting response for them is a vital part of consumer behavior which is every firm’s greatest interest. Consumer psychology is the study of client’s mental processes and behavior. Understanding of theories of customer psychology will help businesses to learn different types of customers. There are various reasons as to why businesses should understand customers. First, customer behavior is very crucial in daily living because people mostly spend a lot of time shopping. Secondly, consumer behavior is signif icant in decision making. For example, while setting prices, firms must consider their clients. In other cases, business decisions might be influenced by expected actions or behavior (Hoyer MacInnis, 2010). Application of consumer behavior   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Consumer behavior research can help firms increase their success rate because they will understand their customer’s needs that will enable them to realize profits. Understanding customer behavior will enable businesses to evaluate their strategies because they will be able to understand customer feedback regarding their latest products and services (Hoyer MacInnis, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing application areas of consumer behavior is in; market-opportunity analysis where the firm examine conditions and trends in the marketplace to discover client needs that are not being fully fulfilled. Target market selection is whereby firms wish to discover different groupings of consumers who have exceptional needs. It also involves the assortment of sections that merges firm’s potency and offer enhanced opportunities. The third area of application is marketing-mix determination. It involves creation and implementation a strategy that will ensure delivery of an appropriate combination of need-satisfying characteristics to clients within the target market. Marketing mix involves price, place, promotion and product. Understanding of customer behavior is also required in tactical marketing operations. Successful regulatory strategy in regard of marketing practices calls for an extensive knowledge of consumer behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Social marketing also calls for an extensive understanding of customer behavior. Social marketing is where firms apply marketing tactics and strategies to create or alter behaviors that have constructive impact to the target audience or the society in general. Social marketing through websites and television is conducted in endeavors of encouraging environmental friendly behaviors, reduce smoking, encourage timely vaccination of children, reduce activities likely to cause AIDS, reduce substance abuse, encourage charitable organizations among other substantial activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Personality is a factor that affects people’s feedback regarding advertisements. It can also happen the other way round where messages from marketing can affect people’s attitudes. Behavioral approach is a strategy which focuses on the measurable and observable features of human conduct. Human behavior can only be analyzed through their reaction, actions and how they conduct themselves. Behavioral approach maintains that personal behavior is affected by their environment. Cognitive behavior assumes that if researchers wish to understand human conduct, they should focus on the internal processes of their mind. Cognitive approach examine how people treat the information they receive and how their treatment result to feedbacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In determining which item to apply for marketing, firms will apply behavioral approach where they will analyze how clients think about either television advertisement or websites. On the other hand, firms will apply cognitive approach while determining how clients will react when they receive messages through television or websites (McLeod, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, there are several items of marketing communication such as website, television advertising, billboard, poster, magazine advert and direst mail brochure. Television advertising is habitually used in outbound marketing where businesses direct marketing activities at the client. On the other hand, websites are commonly used in inbound marketing where clients search for brands that can meet their needs. These two items are very vital in marketing strategy of a firm since they will reach a great number of their target audience at lower cost. Firms should understand customer behavior which will enable them to choose the marketing tool that will fit their customer’s needs. Through appropriate marketing, firms will be able to retain customers, attract new customers by notifying them with the latest information regarding their brands. Firms can also choose to use various items of marketing communication since they help and sup port other marketing mix strategies. There are two approaches in analysis of consumer behavior; behavioral approach and cognitive approach. References Behavioral Approach Behavioral Psychology Psychologist World. (n.d.). Retrieved from Carroll,  J. (2006). Television. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Cognitive Approach | Simply Psychology. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hoyer,  W.  D., MacInnis,  D.  J. (2010). Consumer behavior. South-Western Centage Learning. Juon,  C., Greiling,  D., Buerkle,  C. (2011). Internet marketing, start-to-finish. Indianapolis, IN: Que. Percy,  L. (2008). Strategic integrated marketing communication: Theory and practice. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors That Affect The Pricing Decision

Factors That Affect The Pricing Decision In Finland, Lukka and Granlund (1996) observed that product cost information had its greatest importance in pricing, tendering and cost reduction decisions. In Italy, Cescon (1999) noted the most important uses of product costs were in cost reduction, pricing, make-or-buy and investment decisions, and its least important role related to decisions about distribution channels. Based on the above quotations, the costs of the product, its inputs including the amount spent on product development, testing, and packaging required to be taken into account when a pricing decision is made. Therefore, product costs are very important to make a pricing decision. In Australia, Joye and Blayney (1990) found that product costs were of major importance in the pricing decisions of the majority of companies. Therefore, cost is a  major factor that will affect pricing decisions. Variances between actual and  budgeted cost are inherent in business. Actual cost may not correspond  with budgeted cost, thus, it is important to have a thorough planning on  how can these cost affect company profit. Profit planning must take into account expected changes in cost. An   increase in cost with no corresponding change in selling price will   greatly affect company profits. Thus, the ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power as to control the price of raw materials and production will be greatly influence the pricing decision. A products cost can be classified as fixed or variable costs, according to whether the volume changes. quoted by Dominiak Louderback, 1997. Fixed cost is the cost that  remains the same regardless of the level of production or the level of sales such as property taxes, rent, advertising, insurance, and utilities. Moreover, variable cost is the cost that changes in a directly proportion to changes in production volume such as sales commission, packaging, labeling and shipping costs. In many manufacturing companies, labor costs remain constant over wide ranges of output, so managers can consider labor as a fixed cost for many short-term output decisions. In addition, most overhead costs change only when managers decide to restructure the company, so these costs do not change as output fluctuates from day to day. The only cost that definitely does go up and down with production is the material cost. Hence, the cost of material will increase especially when economic downturn and the price of product will increase eventually. In spite of all, the product cost information was significantly more important when used directly in decision making. This may be because product cost information may be regarded as being more important when it is actually being used in a decision rather than as a guide for possible future decisions. Product cost information may be significantly more important in continuous production process manufacturing than in discrete-part and assembly manufacturing for product mix, output level and product discontinuation decisions because continuous production processes lead to the production of many different products for which a variety of product related decisions will need to be made. DISTRIBUTION(PLACEMENT) Placement under marketing mix involves all company activities that make the product available to the targeted customer, quoted by Kotler and Armstrong, 2004. With this, the easier the targeted customers can get the product, the more success of your company in distributing product. Distribution is getting your product to the consumer. Once you know your market area and have safely processed and packaged your product, you have to place it where your customer can buy it. On a general note, while planning placement strategy under marketing mix analysis, companies consider six different channel decisions including choosing between direct access to customers or involving middlemen, choosing single or multiple channels of distributions, the length of the distribution channel, the types of intermediaries, the numbers of distributors, and which intermediary to use based on the quality and reputation, quoted by Proctor, 2000. Therefore, distribution is important because it affects sales, profits and competitiveness. It can contribute up to fifty percent of the final selling price of some goods. Without distribution even the best product or service will fails. Author Jean-Jacques Lambin believes that a marketer has two roles which are organizing exchange through distribution and organizing communication. Moreover, distribution can be classified by channels, coverage, locations, transportation, logistics and others aspects. Physical distribution or Place must integrate with the other Ps in the marketing mix such as price, product and promotion. For example, the design of product packaging must fit onto a pallet, into a truck and onto a shelf, prices are often determined by distribution channels, and the image of the channel must fit in with the suppliers required positioning. You can see how Coca Cola further integrate the timing of distribution and promotion in the Hall Of Fame later. In fact, they see distribution as one of their core competencies. In addition, geographical pricing is setting different prices for a customer in different parts of the world which is includes shipping costs. Therefore, there will be difference price on the same product in differences country. Although within a country, the same product will be charged to different prices, which may be caused by the urban or metropolitan area, income distribution and others factors. Apart from that, distribution strategy is influenced by the market structure, the firms objectives, its resources and its overall marketing strategy. All these factors are addressed in the section on selecting Distribution Channels. The first strategic decision is distribution intensity which include of intensive, selective and exclusive distribution. Intensive distribution aims to provide saturation coverage of the market by using all available outlets. For many products, total sales are directly linked to the number of outlets used such as cigarettes and beer. Intensive distribution is usually required where customers have a range of acceptable brands to choose from. In other words, if one brand is not available, a customer will simply choose another. The second one is selective distribution which involves a producer using a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to sell products. The producer can choose the most appropriate or best-performing outlets and focus effort on them. Selective distribution works best when consumers are prepared to shop around or they have a preference for a particular brand or price and will search out the outlets that supply. The last one is exclusive distribution which is an extreme form of selective distribution in which only one wholesaler, retailer or distributor is used in a specific geographical area. The next strategic decision clarifies the number of levels within a channel such as agents, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, franchisees, direct marketing and others. In some Japanese markets there are many intermediaries involved. In the marketing channel of distribution in Japan, especially in the retail sector, the number of retailers had been increasing from 1950s to the beginning of 1980s consistently. However, it has begun to decrease in the beginning of 1980s, explained by Hisao Fujimoto. Companies such as Ford, Ferrari, Toyota, and Nissan use specific dealers to make their products available, whereas companies such as Nestle involve a whole chain of wholesaler retailers to reach its customers. In conclusion, distribution is playing a big role in the pricing decision. The business communities should place the product efficiently and effectively, and set a reasonable price for selling. There is some advice for the consumer, that is consumer should shop for the best price as they can find regardless of how long the levels of distribution and how far the place of selling the product from you. ECONOMIC CONDITION Economic environment of the country is an important factor affecting the pricing decisions. Inflationary and deflationary conditions will also affect the pricing decision of a company. Inflation is a rise in the average price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Money loses purchasing power during inflationary periods since each unit of currency buys progressively fewer goods. Consequently, inflation also reflects erosion in the purchasing power of money which is a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. Therefore, a company should decrease the price of product when there is an inflation so the consumer will be afford to buy it. On 20 July 1993, Alan Greespan, chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, testified before a congressional committee. He said: The role of expectations in the inflation process is crucial. Even expectations not validated by economic fundamentals can themselves add appreciably to wage and price pressures for a considerable period, potentially derailing the economy from its growth path. However, deflation is a decrease in average price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. While lower prices may seem ideal from a consumers point of view at first, but deflation leads to rising of unemployment and falling in production, a situation from which it is extremely difficult to recover. Therefore, a company should charge a higher price on product when selling it so that it can be able to pay for salary of employees and covered the production cost. On the other hand, the prices are increased in boom period to cover the increasing cost of production and distribution. To meet the changing economic conditions, several pricing decisions are available such as price can be boosted to protect profit against rising costs, price protection system can be linked with the price on delivery to current costs and emphasis can be shifted from sales volume to profit margin and cost reduction. On March 16 alone, five days after the earthquake and tsunami and as the nations nuclear crisis was worsening, United States investors put $700 million into Japanese Exchange Traded Funds, according to the data from Trim Tabs, an investment research organization. That was twice the previous largest daily inflow on record, in 2003. After the earthquake, investors waited for two trading days before acting. But on Wednesday, March 16, after stocks in Tokyo fell by about 10 percent, investors in the United States responded by moving heavily into E.T.F.s. One reason may be that Japanese stocks still have far to go in their recovery. Though the Nikkei 225 index in Tokyo has bounced back from recent lows, it is still down 9.43 percent since before the earthquake.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Climate Change Essay -- Environment Environmental

Climate Change Introduction What is the oceans role in climate? The oceans play a vital and pivotal role in the distribution of life sustaining water throughout our planet. 86% of the evaporation that occurs on earth is over the oceans. The oceans are the planets largest reservoir of water transferring huge amounts of water around the hydrological cycle. In fact the oceans â€Å"dominate the hydrological cycle, for they contain 97% of the global water inventory† . The hydrological cycle can be disrupted by changes in ocean circulation that play such an important role on evaporation and precipitation. When the ocean circulation system changes it can change how much heat and rainfall is distributed around the world. Changes on a global scale can ultimately lead to flooding and long term drought in various regions. The big questions are can we monitor the oceans circulation and watch for climate changes? Can we predict what might happen if the ocean circulation changed dramatically? We have experienced majo r climate changes in the past; can we look for evidence of ocean change during these periods? The Conveyor Belt The global ocean circulation system is called the thermohaline circulation. Often called the ‘conveyor belt’ courtesy of Wallace Broecker who in an article for Natural History in 1987 had an artist draw a simplified version of the thermohaline circulation and called it the conveyor belt. Wallace Broecker is the Newberry Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University. He has taught at Columbia since 1959, and his research interests include paleoclimatology, ocean chemistry, isotope dating and environmental science. He conducts much of his research in Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth O... ...’s for past as well as future. Computer models are limited partly due to the limits of current technology and the fact that there are so many factors to analyse. Some scientists believe we require a more detailed study of the sub-grid-scale processes in the ocean and others say we need to establish the oceanic equivalent of our MET office. It is fair to say that considerably more research and investment is required if we are to learn more about the fine balance of the atmosphere and the oceans. Global climate changes have had a devastating effect on societies in the past. Rapid climate change in Britain could grind the infrastructure to a halt and effect the economy drastically. Ecosystems, economies and societies adapt better to gradual change and our ability to predict what the consequences are of global warming or changes in the oceanic currents is very important.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Essay -- History, Mong

The Pax Mongolica, also known as the Mongol Peace and Pax Tatarica, was brought up at the end of the time of Mongols’ conquests. Western Scholars designated the fourteenth century as the Pax Mongolica. The Pax Mongolica contributed to the development of a new global culture because the Mongol Khans pursued peaceful trade and diplomacy (220). The bubonic plague epidemic of the 1300s led to the destruction of the Mongol Empire because of the deaths it caused; also, the plague had demoralized the living and deprived the Mongol Golden Family of its primary source of support by cutting off trade and tribute (247). The unsuccessful attack of Japan and Java is what caused Khubilai Khan to realize that the transport of food through ship is cheaper and more effective than by land route. The attack also educated the Mongols about shipbuilding. The Mongols used peaceful pursuits of trade when their military efforts were unsuccessful (223). The duration of conquering time for the Mongols had ended, and now it was time for the era of peace. Instead of sending mounted warriors and fearsome siege engines, the Mongols now had humble priests, scholars, and ambassadors (220). The Mongols promoted trade along the routes across the empire and diffused shelters with supplies every twenty or thirty miles (220,221). The stations had animals and guides to give the merchants guidance through tough terrain. In the system of shares, of all the goods confiscated in war, the members of the Golden Family, each orphan and widow was designated to a share of the wealth of each part of the empire. The Mongol officials rec eived goods instead of being paid money, and they could sell or trade the goods to the market for money and other merchandise. The Pax Mongolia... ...s misused their common material interest to overcome the political fault diving them, while giving up political unity they had conserved a combined cultural and commercial empire. The connection that the Mongol Empire relied on was the quick and constant motion of people, goods, and information around the empire. In conclusion the Pax Mongolica contributed to the new global culture by promotion trade, having many technological innovations, and by influencing the aspects of the economic life. The decline of the Pax Mongolica was due to religious intolerance, the bubonic and the bubonic plague. The decline of the Pax Mongolica also caused a decline of trade. The plague had a devastating impact on many forms of the Mongolian empire, the trade routes were shut down, and the fear of getting the plague caused civilizations to be completely segregated from each other.

Cancer Essay -- Medical Medicine Health Essays

Cancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. If the spread of these abnormal cells is not controlled, cancer can cause death. Most cancers take the form of tumors, although not all tumors are cancers. A tumor is simply a mass of new tissue that serves no physiological purpose. It can be benign, like a wart, or malignant, like cancer. Benign tumors are made up of cells similar to the surrounding normal cells and are enclosed in a membrane that prevents them from penetrating neighboring tissues. They are dangerous only if their physical presence interferes with bodily functions. A malignant tumor, or cancer, is capable of invading surrounding structures, including blood vessels, the lymph system and nerves. It can also spread to distant sites by the blood and lymphatic circulation and so can produce invasive tumors in almost any part of the body. In 1997, an estimated 1,359,150 people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer and 554,740 will die of the disease. Early screening for cancer is believed to be able to drastically reduce the number of deaths due to the disease. Knowing what to look for when detecting cancer, as well as knowing if you are in a high-risk population are two of the main factors of early intervention. Early intervention of cancer has proven to increase survival rates and lower the length and severity of treatments. Detection and protection are two types of ambulatory care for cancer that begin before the disease is ever diagnosed. Cancer often causes symptoms that you can watch for. These include: change in bowel or bladder habits; a sore that does not heal; unusual bleeding or discharge; thickening or lump in the... ...le cells in all phases of the cell cycle can be damaged by radiation, the lethal effect of radiation may not be apparent until after one or more cell divisions have occurred. Although normal cells can also be affected by ionizing radiation, they are usually better able to repair their DNA damage. Radiation treatments can be administered externally or internally, depending on the type and extent of the tumor, however only external radiation can be administered in an outpatient basis. Some patients have both forms, one after the other. X-rays, radioactive elements, and radioactive isotopes are most often used in these forms of treatment. External radiation treatments are administered by machines that deliver high-energy radiation. These machines vary according to the amount and type of energy produced. The kind of machine will differ depending on the ty Cancer Essay -- Medical Medicine Health Essays Cancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. If the spread of these abnormal cells is not controlled, cancer can cause death. Most cancers take the form of tumors, although not all tumors are cancers. A tumor is simply a mass of new tissue that serves no physiological purpose. It can be benign, like a wart, or malignant, like cancer. Benign tumors are made up of cells similar to the surrounding normal cells and are enclosed in a membrane that prevents them from penetrating neighboring tissues. They are dangerous only if their physical presence interferes with bodily functions. A malignant tumor, or cancer, is capable of invading surrounding structures, including blood vessels, the lymph system and nerves. It can also spread to distant sites by the blood and lymphatic circulation and so can produce invasive tumors in almost any part of the body. In 1997, an estimated 1,359,150 people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer and 554,740 will die of the disease. Early screening for cancer is believed to be able to drastically reduce the number of deaths due to the disease. Knowing what to look for when detecting cancer, as well as knowing if you are in a high-risk population are two of the main factors of early intervention. Early intervention of cancer has proven to increase survival rates and lower the length and severity of treatments. Detection and protection are two types of ambulatory care for cancer that begin before the disease is ever diagnosed. Cancer often causes symptoms that you can watch for. These include: change in bowel or bladder habits; a sore that does not heal; unusual bleeding or discharge; thickening or lump in the... ...le cells in all phases of the cell cycle can be damaged by radiation, the lethal effect of radiation may not be apparent until after one or more cell divisions have occurred. Although normal cells can also be affected by ionizing radiation, they are usually better able to repair their DNA damage. Radiation treatments can be administered externally or internally, depending on the type and extent of the tumor, however only external radiation can be administered in an outpatient basis. Some patients have both forms, one after the other. X-rays, radioactive elements, and radioactive isotopes are most often used in these forms of treatment. External radiation treatments are administered by machines that deliver high-energy radiation. These machines vary according to the amount and type of energy produced. The kind of machine will differ depending on the ty

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How to Teach Something Essay

During the week I taught my father how to play rock band he learn how to play the drums on easy and medium level. It was fun teaching him he caught on easily and he got a really high scores and it was a great experience. I taught this skill to my dad because it’s something that my little sister and I like to do and it would be fun to do together. I also taught this skill because my dad and I don’t do a lot of things together and this would just be another great thing to do together! I chose my dad because he likes learning new things. He also likes have fun! So I thought this skill would make him really happy. He also wanted to learn how to play this game but we never had it and then I got it for Christmas. So I asked him if he still wanted to learn how to play it and he said yes. After I asked him he was so excited. It was really nice to see him happy. At the beginning of the lesson, things started off nice we both got a little frustrated at another but after the first game he started getting the hang of it and kind of started to get the concept. He really enjoyed the first game. And we had a lot of laughs. But then we got on the real levels and it started to confuse him a little. But after ten minutes I explained it a little more and he got it. In the middle of the lesson, my father was on a roll and I kept on switching the song because each song could be a little more difficult. And it was hard for at some points and then we took it a little slower and he started to get the hang of it more and more each time it! It was awesome to see how good he was getting. After the lesson was over, my dad learned how to play like an expert! On medium and easy level! I had such a great time teaching my dad and in the end it’s going towards great use because now I can do a lot more things with him at hope. In the end of everything seeing my dad really happy with his accomplishment and seeing that he wanted to learn to be with me more was the icing on the cake!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mental health Essay

Psychotherapy is more internal, and deep. It is more focused on the past, whereas counseling is more focused on the present. In psychotherapy, insight is more important than change, and the therapist’s role is as more of an expert. Psychotherapy is also long-term, where counseling is usually more short term. Counseling focuses on the Wellness Model –understanding the person in their context (job/family/community) 3. Discuss what is meant by counseling being an Art? Even though counseling techniques can be subjective and creative like an art, is still uses technique and strategies, and has standards that must be met. 4. ACA, CACREP, NBCC, APGA. ACA – American Counseling Association CACREP – Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs NBCC – National Board for Certified Counselors APGA – American Personnel and Guidance Association 5. 4 personal qualities counselors should have Curiosity Ability to listen and be empathetic Ability to have a conversation Empathy and Understanding Emotional Insightfulness Capacity for Self Denial Tolerance for Intimacy Comfortable with Power Goodwill – Do No Harm Self Awareness Maintaining Effectiveness Remaining Objective Accepting and Confronting Situations Ability to Laugh Intellectual Competence Energy. Flexibility Support 6. Briefly discuss burnout and 2 ways to avoid it or lessen the likelihood it will occur Burnout is the physical, mental and emotional exhaustions brought on by involvement over prolonged periods with emotionally demanding situations and people. Understand that you are there to support the client and lead them to empowerment, not to â€Å"fix† them. Some ways to avoid burnout are to seek counseling yourself, seeking supervision and guidance, taking a break or a vacation, joining a peer support group, getting regular exercise, meditation, taking time to enjoy hobbies, and seeking support from family and friends. Traumatic events in the counselor’s personal life may contribute to the stress felt when dealing with client issues at the same time. 7. Know terms Ethics is a discipline within philosophy that is concerned with human conduct and moral decision making and are the ideal standards expected by a profession. It governs relationships within a profession Morals are determined within a broad context of culture of society. They are our own and are often influenced by family, community and religion Laws dictate minimum standards of behavior that a society will tolerate Autonomy respects the freedom of choice Nonmaleficence Do not harm. Beneficence Be helpful and do not blame Justice Fairness to all clients Veracity Being honest and upfront Fidelity Loyalty and faithful to what my profession dictates Vicarious Liability- individuals who have control and authority over others will be held accountable for their negligence. (Supervisor is responsible for the actions he/she supervises) Common Law laws that developed as a result of court decisions (set by judicial precident) Regulations accepted guidelines set forth by a profession Federal Laws trumps rules and is established as the minimum requirements set by the government Rules established within the system. Tort Law law resulting from the private sector (laws that result from the suffering or harm from the private sector) 8. Be able to distinguish between Principle Ethics and Virtue Ethics Principal ethics have their foundation in moral principles, which are agreed upon assumptions or beliefs about ideals that are shared by members of the helping profession. ( â€Å"What should I do† [respect for autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, veracity] ) Virtue ethics involve more than moral actions; they also involve traits of character or virtue. Virtue ethics focus on the actor rather than the action (â€Å"Who should I be† [integrity, discernment, acceptance of emotion, self-awareness, interdependence with the community]) 9. Know the reasons for ethical codes Ethical codes give our profession credibility, protects us from government interference, helps to reduce malpractice, protects the clients welfare, ensures accountability within the profession 10. Be able to discuss the 4 beliefs of counseling professionals or identify in a short vignette 1. The best perspective for assisting individuals is the wellness model of mental health. The goal is for each person to achieve positive mental health to the degree possible. Mental health is seen as occurring on a continuum. It accounts for functioning in family relationships, friendships, career, spirituality, leisure activities, physical health, living environment, financial status and sexuality. 2. Most of the issues that people face in life are developmental in nature and understanding the dynamics of human growth and development is essential to success as a helper. Since most problems are developmental, they are natural and normal. We all will experience certain things are different times of our lives. 3. Prevention and early intervention are far superior to remediation in dealing with personal and emotional problems. To do this, counselors provide education. Through education, the clients will have the necessary tools to meet the challenges later in life when encountered. 4. The goal of counseling is to empower individual clients and client systems to resolve their own problems independently of mental health professionals and to teach them to identify and resolve their own problems autonomously in the future. By teaching appropriate problem solving techniques, and increasing their self-understanding, it is hoped that the client will not always need assistance. 11. Be able to identify factors that influence culture 12. Race Ethnicity Nationality Gender Age Social Class Marital Status Sexual Orientation Disability Place of Residence Language Religion Other nonvisible 13. Be able to identify the important things to consider in crisis counseling Distinguish physiological responses from gestures. – Be aware of how things like eye contact can be cultural. Avoid using stereotypical conclusions regarding non verbal behavior Avoid imposing your values on an individual in a crisis situation ( what seems to you to be slef-defeating may actually be cultural in context) 14. Be able to identify and briefly discuss the three areas of Multicultural Competencies Self Awareness – Become aware of your own personal values, biases, assumptions Knowledge – Increase awareness of cultural values, biases, assumptions of diverse clients Skills – Develop culturally appropriate intervention strategies for diverse clients. 15. Be able to identify and briefly discuss the assumptions regarding values AND ways to minimize imposing values on clients Be careful not to project your own values or interests onto the client. Lead them to the outcome that they are comfortable with. Be sure to take into consideration cultural influences, religious influences, etc. There is no such thing as an absolute value that exists objectively. Each person is responsible for their own values system. Acknowledge tendency to see clients as pathological when dealing with personal values. Accept clients as they are instead of sick of immoral because values systems do not conform. Inform yourself about eh varieties of values held in society. Be aware of your own values. Present value options in an unbiased manner. Be committed to freedom of choice of your clients. Respect clients who have values different than your own. Consult others when conflict exists. Refer clients to another counselor if conflicts cannot be resolved. 16. Know Confidentiality an ethical concept that refers to the counselor’s obligation to respect the client’s privacy and to our promise to clients that the information they reveal during counseling will be protected from disclosure without their consent. (Autonomy, respect, pledge of silence, utility) Privileged Communication a judge cannot order information that has been recognized by law as privileged to be revealed in court. Communications must originate in confidence. The element of confidentiality must be essential to the relationship. The relationship is one that needs to be carefully fostered. The injury to the relationship that disclosure of communications would cause must be greater than the benefit gained for the correct disposal of the litigation. Privacy The freedom of individuals to choose when they reveal their information. The right to keep the counseling relationship a secret. Afforded to all individuals in the 4th amendment. 17. Know the limits/exceptions to confidentiality and privileged communication 18. Client waives privilege Does not end in death Sharing with subordinates/superiors Protecting someone in danger Counseling multiple clients (group) Counseling Minors Court Ordered Legal Protections for Counselors in dispute 19. Be able to identify potential legal issues 20. Know SOAP Subjective (â€Å"use quotes†, write whatever the client reports) Objective (info from the counselor, assessments, reports) Assessments (impression of S and O. Does everything measure up? ) Plans (diagnosis and treatment plan with goals and objectives) DAPData (Objective information) Assessment ( counselor’s interpretation of the data) Plan (what you intend to do and what you what to accomplish) 21. Be able to discuss reasons for writing case notes and goals of writing case notes It helps to see your client as a total person. Helps to remember client details. Notes are not meant to be a transcript. It is an integrated view of the interaction. For review by many others who are in on the care of the patient. 22. Be able to identify things that might be considered â€Å"records† related to clients/students in the counseling profession Phone calls, emails, appointments, bills, parking passes, payment records, physical recordings, audio recordings, case notes 23. Know the questions to consider when writing/thinking about clinical notes Be concise. Be transparent. Don’t put something in a record that you would not want to be made public. â€Å"Just the facts. † 24. Be able to identify who might read clinical notes Supervisors, transcribers, other clinicians, lawyers, attendings 25. Be able to discuss problems/issues related to using various forms of technology related to information about clients/students. Security is hard to secure electronically. Files can be intercepted. Phone calls can be intercepted. FB allows for multiple people to see and access information. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. 26. How might you ensure confidentiality related to various forms of technology Encryption. Fax cover sheets. Getting written instructions as to how and when and where to present and what data can be presented.